GPAK  1.0.0
A general-purpose archive library
Data Fields
gpak Struct Reference

#include <gpak_data.h>

Collaboration diagram for gpak:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

int mode_
pak_header_t header_
FILE * stream_
struct filesystem_tree_noderoot_
int last_error_
char * dictionary_
char * current_file_
gpak_error_handler_t error_handler_
gpak_progress_handler_t progress_handler_
void * user_data_

Detailed Description

Brief Description:\n Structure representing a G-PAK archive.

This structure contains information about a G-PAK archive, including its mode, header, file stream, filesystem tree root, error handling, progress handling, and user data. It also includes a dictionary and a pointer to the current file being processed.

Definition at line 255 of file gpak_data.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: